Posts From June, 2018

Why You Should Automate Your ILT Administration

Why You Should Automate Your ILT Administration
Industry gurus tell us that the future of training and development is learning in the flow of work. Some even talk about learning in the flow of life, making learning a lifelong quest. We see new stats about the efficiency of online learning... read more

Are you ready for SumTotal 18.2?

Are you ready for SumTotal 18.2?
The SumTotal 18.2 release is coming with exciting features every L&D pro has been waiting for –new features for learner-centric design, mobile-friendly learning, and support for social and collaborative learning. Here's how SumTotal 18.2... read more

Chatbots in HR: Not Just for Self-Service

Chatbots in HR: Not Just for Self-Service
Chatbots are making their way into HR. At the beginning of this wave of change, we predict chatbots will change the relationship people have with HR technology. As the application of this technology matures, it will fundamentally alter the... read more

How Adaptive Learning Can Overcome the Real Skills Shortage

How Adaptive Learning Can Overcome the Real Skills Shortage
The 2018 Deloitte Human Capital Trends report handed learning and development organization a big challenge. Contrary to the view of the doomsayers in the press, the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation in the workplace ... read more