Why You Should Automate Your ILT Administration

Industry gurus tell us that the future of training and development is learning in the flow of work. Some even talk about learning in the flow of life, making learning a lifelong quest.

We see new stats about the efficiency of online learning almost every day. New technology and methods for social and collaborative learning are everywhere.

Some industry experts even tell us that instructor-led training is dead.

Not so fast. ILT still works best for many types of training. People like learning new concepts and skills in an environment where they can ask questions. Many also prefer to learn in a group where they can discuss ideas and concepts. For some, that discussion is essential to learning. As the central component of a blended approach, ILT can shine.

Instructor-led training is not going away

According to a 2019 CGSE study, 37% of employees said instructor-led training is the most engaging.

LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Trends Report 2018 found that the percentage of organizations using ILT grew from 78% in 2017 to 85% in 2018. 

The CLO 2018 Learning State of the Industry reported that over 23% of organizations plan to increase spending on ILT.

Consider also that in many industries, face-to-face training is a regulatory requirement.

Why We Need to Make ILT More Efficient

While most companies will admit that ILT is most effective, they also see it as the costliest, both in terms of resources and productivity loss. In the CGSE report, only 13% of L&D leaders planned to increase investment in that area, and 22% plan to reduce it. (Although the report does not explicitly say so, we assume the remaining 65% will maintain the current level of spending.)

There are ways we can make in-person training more efficient. Think about what happens when you rely on printed rosters, paper-based attendance tracking, and manual data entry. It seems you always end up missing some detail just when you thought you were all set.

Last-minute registrations and walk-ins can add to the muddle—and it takes far too many people to get it all done. If our experience is a gauge, you may have to pull people away from their regular duties, and often must borrow them from the business units you are training—and nobody is happy about that.

Simplify Your ILT Administration with Automation

Automating your ILTs can reduce your administrative overhead and allow you to focus on delivering an engaging experience rather than administrivia. With a simple, low-cost app, you can offload the administrative tasks that make ILT so labor-intensive.

  • Use mobile scanning to eliminate paper rosters and manual check-in.
  • Manage tasks and assignments by bringing all communications, tasks, and attendance tracking into one easy-to-use application.
  • Generate passes for Mobile Wallet, MobilePass, or other digital passes users can use for check-in and check-out.
  • Integrate with your LMS to manage classroom training, seminars, remote classrooms, workshops, or OJT.
  • Provide branded name tents or badges. 
  • Automatically transmit attendance, credits, and certifications to your enterprise software.
  • Facilitate attendee collaboration before, during, and after the event.
  • Share class collaterals and documents, making the inverted classroom easy to manage.

Automate Your ILT Administration to Drive Training Efficiency

Despite the rapid advancement in training technology, ILTs are the most in-demand method in partner training, culture and ethics training, and in situations where live discussions are crucial.

Automating your ILT administration can make it more efficient, and the low cost of event management applications may surprise you.

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